Regal Orb Recipe

A regal death poe

Regal Orb Recipe

Regal Orb recipe undercut by Chaos Orb, both by Chance Orb recipe
When adding all items (full set, item level 75+ and identified), one body armor item level 74 got added (want to sell it all at once).
Without the item level 74 body armor the vendor would have returned 1 Regal Orb.
When adding the item level 74 body armor to the full set at the Vendor, it would have returned 1 Chaos Orb + 7 Alteration Shards.
Probably not an intended effect.
Regards, Gray
[edit:] Patch 2.0.2b, Warbands League, about 10 minutes previous to this post.
[edit 2:] Clarification, that lower tier recipes exist is known, that this will result in a lower tier currency if the fully set isn't of the higher tier also.
Point of this has been, if it is still intended to override when a full higher tier set, plus an additional lower tier set compatible item is sold to any vendor at once.
[edit 3:]Further clarification.
Is the following recipe behavior by purpose?
(One full set, item level 75), vendor result 1 regal orb
(One full set, item level 75) + (one item, item level 60 to 74), vendor result 1 chaos orb
(One full set, item level 75) + (one item, item level 59 or less), vendor result 1 chance orb
(One full set, item level 60 to 74) + (one item, item level 59 or less), vendor result 1 chance orb
It is not about the case where the full set contains one or more lower tier items when being sold to a vendor.
It is about where an additional lower tier item is being sold to the vendor at the same time.
Regards, Gray.
(Bestiary SC Challenge / Craft Service: 1857948)(Standard SC Crafting: 1108414).
IGN: TinGray.
Last edited by GrayScar on Sep 3, 2015, 6:19:52 PM
Posted by
on Aug 21, 2015, 5:55:03 AM
Regal Orb recipe undercut by Chaos Orb recipe.
When adding all items (full set, item level 75+ and identified), one body armor item level 74 got added (want to sell it all at once).
Without the item level 74 body armor the vendor would have returned 1 Regal Orb.
When adding the item level 74 body armor to the full set at the Vendor, it would have returned 1 Chaos Orb + 7 Alteration Shards.
Probably not an intended effect.
Regards, Gray
[edit:] Patch 2.0.2b, Warbands League, about 10 minutes previous to this post.

Intended as it's been specifically mentioned the lowest item level will be what the recipe recognizes, although I would like to see it changed. Just like how they prioritised Jeweller's over Chromatics in a 6S Chromatic item.
IGN : Ericaa
My Store! /108685
My Rain of Arrows Evasion build guide!
Posted by
on Aug 21, 2015, 6:54:06 AM

Intended as it's been specifically mentioned the lowest item level will be what the recipe recognizes, although I would like to see it changed. Just like how they prioritised Jeweller's over Chromatics in a 6S Chromatic item.

if someone would be able to post a link on where 'it's been specifically mentioned the lowest item level will be what the recipe recognizes', i'd be happy to read it.
Hello, linkstatic.
Supposing 1 Jeweller Orb is worth more than 1 Chromatic Orb (not taking into account that a 6S3L item can turn out either 7 jewellers or 1 chrome), your own argument would run counter to itself.
Confuses me a bit, did you mean something else or am i missing something?
Regards, Gray
(Bestiary SC Challenge / Craft Service: 1857948)(Standard SC Crafting: 1108414).
IGN: TinGray.
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2015, 6:04:35 PM
'Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.'
'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!'
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2015, 6:17:36 PM
@ Dunedain1014
Thank You for the post, the link is know to me, doesn't answer the question tough.
Main reason, it's not first hand knowledge, the wiki is a great thing, to some things not the solution tough.
Regards, Gray
(Bestiary SC Challenge / Craft Service: 1857948)(Standard SC Crafting: 1108414).
IGN: TinGray.
Last edited by GrayScar on Sep 1, 2015, 8:44:46 AM
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2015, 8:44:18 AM
'Regal Orb
Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes! The lowest level item has to be at or above itemlevel 75.
Specific case 1: No special attributes
Reward: 1 Regal Orb
Specific case 2: All of the items are unidentified
Reward: 2 Regal Orb
Specific case 3: All of the items are of the highest possible quality
Reward: 2 Regal Orb
Specific case 4: All of the items are unidentified and of the highest possible quality
Reward: 3 Regal Orb'
Is that what you were looking for? =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2015, 9:08:38 AM
While this is not a bug technically, you still need to look at the order the recipes are checked. I'm fine with the Chaos recipe overriding the Regal recipe if you add another item that fits it (since Chaos is actually a lot more useful than Regal). But the Chromatic recipe (an item with linked RGB sockets) overriding a much more valuable Chaos is NOT OK. When you have a full set of lv 60+ rares for Chaos, and 1 of them just happens to have RGB sockets on it, and it gives you a Chromatic instead of Chaos - that's just wrong.
Posted by
on Sep 1, 2015, 11:07:52 PM
A Chrome will never override a Chaos. I have never seen it, and I know for a fact this morning I had some chromes mixed in while I was making chaos.
'Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.'
'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!'
Last edited by Aragorn14 on Sep 2, 2015, 12:02:46 AM
Posted by
on Sep 2, 2015, 12:01:53 AM
A Chrome will never override a Chaos. I have never seen it, and I know for a fact this morning I had some chromes mixed in while I was making chaos.

Check again. I've had it happen just the other day. Either your RGBs were not linked, or you had extra pieces that completed Chaos without the Chromes. But if you try to turn in exactly 1 full set for Chaos, and 1 of those items happens to be a linked RGB, you will get a Chrome plus a bunch of fragments for the rest.
Posted by
on Sep 2, 2015, 12:49:14 AM
@ Raycheetah
Thank You for the post, the link is known to me, still doesn't answer the question tough.
Main reason, it's not first hand knowledge, tough i admire the work others did there.
Clarification, that lower tier recipes exist is known, that this will result in a lower tier currency if the fully set isn't of the higher tier also.
Point of this has been, if it is still intended to when a full higher tier set, plus an additional lower tier set compatible item is sold to any vendor at once.
What i am looking for is some source on GGG side to clarify this, maybe even a direct answer to this post.
@ AxxiusEQ
@ Dunedain1014
Thank you for mentioning this, will try to reproduce it when possible.
Regards, Gray
(Bestiary SC Challenge / Craft Service: 1857948)(Standard SC Crafting: 1108414).
IGN: TinGray.
Posted by
on Sep 2, 2015, 2:58:20 AM

Poe Regal Orb Recipe

The Alt/Regal/Exalt method is a more complicated affair. However, it’s the way to get specific mods. You’re going to need several Orbs of Transmutation, Orbs of Alteration, Regal Orbs, and Exalted Orbs. It’s not required but Eternal Orbs, Orbs of Scouring, Divine Orbs and Blessed Orbs are also good items to stock for the process. Sprinkler system design free. This recipe works the same as a Chaos Orb one, the only difference is we are selling full sets of rares with ilvl 75+. Identified set yields 1 Regal Orb and Unidentified set yields 2 Regal Orbs. 20% Quality Rock Breaker/Stone Hammer/Gavel + any Map = 1x Cartographer’s Chisel. Regal Orb Recipe (1) 1x Regal Orb = 3 x Identified rare items with the same name, all 20% quality Since rare item's name are randomly generated, it is too difficult to discover 3 rare items with. Ncs expert bmw coding. Chaos orbs and Exalts are basically the main currency for trading and you can never have too many. It would seem as far as regals go, being that their most beneficial application is making multi craft items, it makes their use very specific. I would think as far as the currency steps, regal should be around orb of alchemy, not chaos.

Poe Regal Recipe

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